• he's at some engagement party - well no, he thought he was, and squinting forward he recognizes the couple who had invited him and his family. his mother had threatened to drag him by the balls if he hadn't come, and so reluctantly here he was and wishing he could be somewhere else. this was /not/ his kind of party. it looked like they were....renewing their marital vows. wow. and then, all at once the strange thought popped in mind in which he wondered if that would be him and gwen in twenty years time.

now, where had that come from?

  • he has written pages upon pages of scrolls, thoughts, observations, feelings about every topic under the sun. yet, when it comes to her....to describing her beauty, her form, the allure of her personality which draws him in and traps him, a helpless fly in honey - when it came to her, words fail him.
jun 17 2010 ∞
jun 17 2010 +