• "i dont know what it is, but for some reason people feel like they have to slap a name on anything, everything. they have to do this, do that, be blonde or be ginger, they have to be married. why ruin it? why ruin something beautiful by getting married? it's like for some reason just because you're calling your relationship something different this time, it makes you cling to it harder even when you can see that it's going downhill, that it's unhealthy and it's probably best that you get out before it's too late, get out while you still can. marriage means people who don't know when to stop. just because they're 'married' now it means it's not okay for them to stop and say they're hurting, to say that this isn't working out and that maybe they shouldn't be together anymore. it's harder to end it emotionally. it weighs down on you, because if you decide that you can't be together anymore, and it's just too painful then the labels of it are too hard to part from, to go through. it's no longer separation, or breaking up, or ending it. it's getting a divorce. it's settlements. it's a forced explanation to all of your family and friends when you shouldn't have to explain anything at all, but simply be allowed to wallow and remember and heal. instead you get eighteen different aunts coming over with lasagnes and bringing over their sixteen year old daughters in a 'subtle' way to help you 'heal' and maybe be the rebound girl that gets your family fortune." <br>

"i say /fuck/. /marriage/."

jun 17 2010 ∞
jun 17 2010 +