• freelance writer, submits articles to The Practical Potioneer, and Which Broomstick? amongst other things. (To his everlasting shame after the war, he once also submitted an article to the extremist pureblood elitist magazine Warlock at War)
  • owner of a nightclub in _, london. think of the club as a little like victrola, but less trashy. a bit more indie. it's in london, definitely. aaand because it's postwar and he just went through all the DE shit, as an owner he's like eric northman ;D and biffle flint helps him run the place. (hellopam)
  • investments in a few different places such as _
  • stock market
  • rents out the family properties when not in use e.g. holiday villas
  • wizard photographer for wizarding!GQ & occasionally does a few pieces for witch weekly
  • (unpaid) in his spare time he likes to tinker with making potions, not necessarily for healing or anything just expanding on his own ideas and seeing if it'll work-KABOOM!
jun 17 2010 ∞
jun 17 2010 +