(credits to my friend Uyen for this idea)

  • God, for giving me such a wonderful opportunity to live. To experience a life of both ups and downs, for the ability to figure out who I am and to learn from my mistakes and become a person I can be proud of (even if I'm far from it now).
  • My mom, for giving birth to me and sacrificing so much of her own life to make sure mine goes well. To the one person who pushes me to love myself more each day and for reminding me that she loves me no matter what flaws I have.
  • My dad, for being the person who loves me so much that he's afraid of me being hurt by the outside world. For being hard on me while growing up to ensure I can be independent and then allowing me to walk on my own and encourage me to act on my own desires.
  • My brother, who even though we argue constantly, showed me what it means to be family and go through hardships together. For being one of the pillars in my life that hold me up and gives me a reason for breathing.
  • My friends, who I want to individually thank them, but it might be a little too long for this list. Thank you for being my support as well as those who I can laugh with. Thank you for keeping me company and accepting me as I am. I can never thank you guys enough for making me feel as if I belong and that I'm never alone.
  • My mentors and teachers, for putting up with my motivation swings and my rowdiness. For guiding me despite my slow moments, and for always encouraging to go forward even if sometimes I don't deserve the second chance you give me.
  • My friends' relatives, as weird as it sounds. They've provided me with so much advice and guidance. Thank you for helping me and reminding me that anything is possible. Thank you for your kind words and taking the time out of your life to help someone like me because honestly, I question my actions more than anyone else.
  • Music, for giving me a peace of mind in even the roughest of times. I tend to stress and get stuck in my own train wreck of emotions. Thanks to music, I can either hype myself or even, allow myself to be depressed once in a while.
  • My boyfriend, who I completely adore and love (though he might not know it yet). Thank you for loving me for who I am and accepting me despite my flaws. Thank you for reassuring me every day that I am worthy of love and that no matter where I am in life, you'll be there for me. Thank you for loving me when I couldn't love myself and thank you so much for being with me.
nov 17 2019 ∞
jan 29 2021 +