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Data Science student living in the PNW.
Diligent writer.
Occasional artist.
Relentless adventurer.
Whiskey enthusiast.


week 031

  • staying up late talking, feeling ridiculously in-love, but yet so comfortable and natural - this is the way things should be
  • eating strawberries and fresh whipped cream for breakfast
  • drinking my first cup of coffee in ages, feeling fantastic
  • going on the kayak with Tyler, then randomly deciding to jump in the canal
  • jumping in the pool after the canal, throwing splash bombs, riding inflatable gators wielding fun noodles
  • watching drifting/racing with Tyler and my dad - "Can Benzes drift? Chris said they won't due to the ASR." "Not true. I once did that with a 560SL."
  • My mom: "Back when I worked at the silkscreening shop, we used to have people print little things in there, like mustaches on women - we did all kinds of weird stuff due to those fumes."
  • going to Tyler's to do womanly chores for him (laundry, vacuuming) + cuddle
  • hearing Thom tell stories - "Joy and I used to always want tacos at 2, 3am but we never had tomatoes, so we'd run around the neighborhood and steal them from people's backyards drunk."
  • discussing our future - moving in together, having a mini vacation in April, finances, and other exciting adult stuff
  • being ridiculous / hilarious in bed together
  • driving to work with "The Suffering" on repeat, feeling uplifted
  • reading "A Game of Thrones" at work
  • drinking with the boy, going to sleep holding hands, apparently squeezing his several times in my sleep
  • waking up, making our lunches, and heading to our jobs
  • cold shower followed by an hour nap with my sweetheart
  • making us a garlic butter-tomato sauce-cheese pizza from scratch
  • getting a day off, helping Tyler work on a project with his group - "I would eat bacon even if it was made from babies." "We should go to the hospital and get some baby back ribs!"
  • making honey granola bread, Tyler eating two slices immediately and eventually, most of the loaf
  • discussing the purchase of a 560SL Mercedes with my father
  • Ashley appearing in the doorway - "Ummm, if I get shitfaced tonight, will you two come pick me up?", then all going to a massive, super-redneck bar
  • the way Tyler turned to me and said, "You're the hottest girl here."
  • discussing my novels with him in bed, not feeling nervous after telling him the basic idea, him saying they sound interesting and agreeing to brainstorm with me
  • picnic with Tyler, Jen, & Lee - tons of food, flying kites, trying to lure a stray cat closer with turkey
  • getting bubble tea, playing checkers on the table
  • going to hang out at Jen and Lee's, getting a goodie bag from Bath & Body Works
mar 25 2012 ∞
apr 18 2012 +