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Data Science student living in the PNW.
Diligent writer.
Occasional artist.
Relentless adventurer.
Whiskey enthusiast.

  • attending an AI + machine learning lecture and leaving feeling very inspired
  • making myself fried eggs on toast with cheese, a berry smoothie, and coffee, studying calculus all day
  • Will buying me 3 months of Spotify premium
  • having a photoshoot day, slipping back into it like I never left
  • walking around Portland with Z at night, Christmas lights up on the lamp posts
  • marching into a school, head held high, to drop off my ballot
  • crying for days, crushed under the weight of everything
  • seriously discussing eloping omfg
  • applying for universities, feeling intensely nervous
  • pushing through mountains of schoolwork, research, programming
  • stressing out until 3am, waking up way too soon, taking 3 quizzes in a row, more programming, packing for SF and rushing to the airport
  • nearly falling into Will's arms at the sight of him
  • sleeping in, spending all morning cuddling
  • turning in a perfectly working second deliverable to Nick
  • rushing into class late to my quiz, seeing my professor working at my usual table, looking around for empty seats, making desperate eye contact, him picking up the entire table and setting it down in front of me, standing there stunned for a moment
  • going to see Arrival together at the fancy dinner & drinks movie theater
  • cooking Thanksgiving dinner for Will, spending our first holiday together, being disgustingly adorable together
  • simmering turkey stock on the stove while I cleaned up, Will coming over and massaging my back and shoulders
  • sitting down next to each other to eat, wrapping our arms around the other instinctively and trying to eat while connected without even thinking about it, "...we're not going to eat like this." "no, but it's really funny that we instinctively tried to."
  • programming on my laptop in bed, Will playing Rocket League next to me
  • kissin on each other's necks real weird and repetitive, "what are you doing? you're like a suckerfish." "Slow motion suckerfish.", torturing each other with this new (goofy as hell) signature move
  • sleeping in with Will every day
  • watching Neon Genesis Evangelion together, mixed with the occasional Star Trek
  • making pasta sauce and meatballs for him
  • exploring Hayes Valley together, window shopping
  • "I don't want to go." "We can FaceTime every day that you're in Florida if you'd like." "--Do you mean it?" "Yes."
  • kissing goodbye, ducking into the Lyft at 4:30am, feeling very alone
  • arriving home, doing the usual systematic brewing coffee and unpacking and laundry
  • making myself a peanut butter sandwich and making up a song "this is the bread I chose, it's hidden at the bottom of the rack~ at Trader Joe's~"
  • getting organized
  • "You took artful photos of the whiskey at Trader Joe's for me. You are the perfect man."
nov 2 2016 ∞
dec 25 2016 +