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Data Science student living in the PNW.
Diligent writer.
Occasional artist.
Relentless adventurer.
Whiskey enthusiast.


week 003

  • reading James' script, promptly sending him an email telling him how amazing it was. (He responded, "Wow, you really are crazy!")
  • getting a catalytic converter that was shipped full of a dehydrating substance. the delivery guy said "Just so you know, they filled that up with cat litter" and Chris shouting back "They thought it was a cat litter converter!"
  • joking around at the shop, telling hilarious stories of bad things we've done in our youth (Thom used to race forklifts in the steel mill and steal his brother's drag racing car - he didn't know until a decade later when Thom's friend/accomplice told his brother)
  • telling the FedEx guy we should be gangsters together and steal cars. He agreed.
  • outlining another novel + brainstorming ideas for a short story(?) titled Ripe
  • going to Walmart w/ David at 3am, slaphappy out of my mind due to waking early, and giggling the whole time
  • Singing "WAKE MEEE" to the tune of Nirvana's "Rape Me" upon seeing this juice
  • chugging carrot juice in the parking lot
  • driving to work in the morning, playing drums on my wheel in traffic jams and dancing
  • spreading the relaxing kava love -- I made James try it and I delivered some tea bags to Thom on Tuesday morning
  • waxing my car in the hot shop
  • Brian and I walking to get BBQ from the restaurant across the street, him buying despite my protests
  • driving home and getting ALL GREEN LIGHTS, seeing David leaving on my way arriving + grinning + waving at him, celebrating my victory by singing + eliminating some clutter from my office
  • eating ice cream alone in my office and belting Madrugada - "YOU GOTTA TRY HARDER, TRY HARDER, YOU BETTER NEVER LET IT GOOOOOO"
  • waking up to an email from James - ridiculous, intentionally bad poetry dedicated to each other + a sushi limerick
  • playing "soccer" (and basketball?) with my new tires before putting them on. Smooth ride, quieter now, no more squeaking in parking lots
  • heart-to-heart conversation with David
  • girls' night out: sushi (including quail egg sushi) with Alex + Jasmine, then drinking with Alex + Cher on the beach & then downtown, agreeing to go out more often
  • picked up more furniture from Evelyn
  • went to Rocky Horror Picture Show with David, then left with the cast for Denny's
  • set up three cell phones to play the Time Warp synced for maximum volume, danced to it IN Denny's with the entire cast while David took pictures
sep 10 2011 ∞
sep 21 2011 +