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Data Science student living in the PNW.
Diligent writer.
Occasional artist.
Relentless adventurer.
Whiskey enthusiast.

  • updating my résumé
  • rocking out with Brad to "Poker Face" in my car while eating ice cream, wandering around the park in the rain
  • late night confessions "As long as you aren't hurting anyone / It's not really anyone's business..."
  • "The bathrooms backed up, thus proving our customers wrong that their shit does not stink."
  • kissin in the big green chair
  • talking to Brad on the phone, "I'm ready when you are."
  • Lily the cat rubbing her face all over me, scratching her behind her ears
  • drinking pinot noir while writing
  • visiting Dan, "I can't believe you're 23. in your head, you're in your thirties."
  • spending the day running around between phone operating and writing estimates, first day as a used car advisor, hearing my manager say, "this is perfect."
  • lunch with Bob, pouring over my estimates at the table, gentle encouragement
  • sharing prosecco
  • peanut butter frappes and shopping with Sarah
  • "you came back." Bringing gifts of natural soda, a red sherpa blanket, a heating pad, aleve, and Epsom salt
  • driving to Venice to see Brad, drinking whisky and watching adventure time
  • crashing between 6-7pm at Bob's place after being called into work, sleeping FOREVER, waking up at 6 with him and then going back to sleep til 10
  • going shopping + to the Cigar Bar with Sarah, sharing a cigar and eyeing boys
  • some guy going "Who're you texting?", me looking up and realizing it is who I'm texting (Bob!)
  • waking up and jogging, sunlight and sweat
  • checking out condos with my dad and Dan, my fantastic realtor, excitedly texting Bob and taking pictures for him
  • "Your driving is so scary but I do love the New York voice when you road rage"
  • FINALLY talking to my mother openly about Bob, her being accepting
  • making my own sea salt hair spray, learning to braid my hair
  • going shopping and treating myself
  • tearing apart my entire wardrobe and room, getting organized, donating a ton of clothes
sep 3 2013 ∞
sep 3 2014 +