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I'm a wannabe Alice in Wonderland who plans on moving to New York City when I grow up. I like to wear knee socks and drink honey lemon tea. I wish I wore glasses and I really like the nerdy-looking kind. I am nearly always listening to music; I like The Beatles (but, who doesn't?), Jonas Brothers, The Cure, Lily Allen, Katy Perry, The Killers, Spice Girls and anything from a musical or the '80s. I...

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  • "Well Summer, sweetheart, you kind of do belong in an institution." -Meaghan
  • "It's by the person who wrote Catcher and the Rye..Which I incidentally hate." -Simona
  • "I would something really creatively horrible that I can't think of right now."
  • "High school is torture and a slow immersion to insanity."
  • "What in the dark horse's majestic journey?"
  • "Every day in English I cry a silent one for the fact that my tragic being is stuck in the misery of portable three and not at home watching such a wonderful late 60s television show."
  • "Remember when I told you not to do that because you'd hurt yourself, and ya did?"
  • "He died instantly...The next day." -Hot Rod
  • "Jake, you aren't Jesus."
  • "I told her to put on National Treasure, but she seems to be...putting on TLC."
  • "It's stinging a bit, now, just where the blood's drying, but, other than that, it's okay."
  • "I'm a cross between hungry and feeling like I'm gonna throw up. So, I'm going to eat some cereal."
  • "Those are the craziest pants I've ever seen."
  • "'If you're going to turn into a pig, my dear,' said Alice, seriously. 'I'll have nothing more to do with you.'" -Alice in Wonderland
  • "Holy crackers her hair is bigger than Ohio!"
  • "And the trailer was, like, rickety. I was like 'Oh my God. This trailer is going to collapse. The glass is going to crack and the heavy clay sculptures are going to fall on us. The last thing I'm going to see in my life is this psycho Lucille and fifty sculptures of Jesus.'"
  • "Accrocher kind of looks like crochet so it means to hook!"
  • "Dude, she looks like my old lesbian doctor!"
  • "My eye wanted some spaghetti."
  • "One was called Dragon in the Fire, one was called You Are My Fire, and one was just called Fire! We're here with a bunch of pyromaniacs, I should be fearing for my life!" -Mounika
  • "She looks like a rabbit and her name is Mrs. Hopkins."
  • "Is she alright?"
sep 16 2009 ∞
sep 25 2009 +