• "The longer your mother and I lived together, the more we took each other's assumptions for granted, the less was said, the more misunderstood." -
  • "I told her that wasn't what mattered to me, she asked what mattered to me, I told her I did it for its own sake... (p. 113)
  • "Aren't my life and my feelings the same thing?"
  • "It's how I felt about everything. I thought I wanted a chance to re-create who I was. Or to figure out who I was. Really, I just wanted a chance to escape who I was." -Moose: The Hate Diet
  • "I spent my whole life trying to be thin just to find someone who'd love me once I got fat..." -Moose: The Hate Diet
  • "The times in my life when I've been my thinnest, I've been a walking psycho wreck. Forget the fact that I was basically starving myself-- skinny was usually due to some loss. Death. Rejection. Divorce." -Moose: The Hate Diet
  • "My best revenge was being thin. Because you can't really see happy, people can fake that. You can't fake thin." -Moose: The Hate Diet
  • "In many ways, God becomes a vending machine with many different flavors... He said, I am God period." -Mike Erre
jun 13 2010 ∞
sep 18 2012 +