• DNFI you're anti-kin, system, etc. Also including anti-endogenic systems.
  • Warnings: We try to tag for common triggers and nsfw. Please let us know if there's anything you'd like us to tag for you!
  • We have a terrible memory!! If we forget something it's not personal, I promise.
  • Though we do try our best to get along, we have varying opinions on many things, so don't get alarmed if we seem to contradict ourselves.
  • We're pretty heavy spiritual and like witchcraft and stuff like that. Oh yeah, and astral projection which we talk about a LOT
  • We may not list all of our fictional IDs for whatever reason, it depends.
  • Most of us are ppppretty alright with doubles, except for Mettaton who despises them. Some of us aren't super fond of the idea but can tolerate it?
feb 14 2017 ∞
jun 22 2018 +