• Become more conscious and intentional with my choices
  • Buy a yoga mat/create a designated yoga space
  • Embrace spring returning and declutter my space
    • spring cleaning in full force. if i don't wear something at least once a month (depending on season), or use something at least once every few months - it has to go.
  • Go for more walks
  • Practice more food-prep the night prior
  • Put aside more time for learning
    • freshen up on my math and more
  • Put the phone away
  • Stretch regularly
    • doesn’t need to be a full session, but listening more to my body’s signals if it feels tense
  • Try baking/following recipes or taking my own creative spin on it
    • it may be exciting and I may actually enjoy it!
feb 24 2024 ∞
jul 12 2024 +