i prefer games that:

  • have rules explainable in 5 minutes or so
  • move relatively quickly

list, with a few points about why i like each game:

  • ricochet robots - insanely small ruleset, can play against oneself, can play co-op or competitive, can play fast and loose or slow and contemplative, very comp-sciencey
  • dominion - fast gameplay, deck-builders are fun
  • codenames - wordplay, shared context with friends you've known for a while, can play co-op or competitive
  • jaipur - duel with simple rules, fast gameplay
  • unlock! - escape room, lateral thinking, can ignore timer if needed
  • sushi go! - fast gameplay, cute artwork
  • hive - fast gameplay, chess-like, forces the player to trade between attack and defense. downside - easy to force a stalemate
  • bang! - social deduction with no arguments, mooderately quick gameplay, simple ruleset
  • seven wonders - fairly simple gameplay, many ways to win
apr 5 2020 ∞
jun 27 2021 +