• "Ja vjerujem u čistoću umjetničke spoznaje, kao u jedinu još čistoću, koja nam je preostala u ovom životinjstvu oko nas!" - M. Krleža, Povratak Filipa Latinovicza
  • "Vodoskoci su suhi i ruže su prošle. Tamjan smrti." - Slyvia Plath
  • Morski hladno, morski hladno ono je zacijelo. Pogledaj bijeli, visoki ledenjak na njegovu čelu." - Plath
  • "Thoughts that found a maze of mermaid hair

Tangling in the tide’s green fall Now fold their wings like bats and disappear Into the attic of the skull." - Plath

  • "Form like flowers rocked my sleepy drifting,

And, now and then, fine winds supplied me wings." - Arthur Rimbaud

  • "Dryads

haunting the groves, nereids who dwell in wet caves, for all the white leaves of olive-branch, and early roses, and ivy wreaths, woven gold berries, which she once brought to your altars, bear now ripe fruits from Arcadia, and Assyrian wine to shatter her fever." - Hilda Doolittle

dec 8 2014 ∞
dec 8 2014 +