- Wrap Gabe's Birthday gifts
- Take 1 video/photo every day (Started on 4/15) ❌Missed a couple days❌
- Play and research RPGmaker games
- Research horror tropes and ways to avoid/flip them
- Work on RPGmaker VX ace project
- Decide on final character designs for Last Meal ❌Starting over and setting Last Meal back for a later time❌
- Research cults ❌ No longer doing Last Meal so any research can be placed w/ Last Meal files❌
- The effects❌
- Behaviors❌
- Cult leaders❌
- Why people join them
- Watch Space 4/4 @ 3 pm
- Draw some things for the sketchbook
- Write some things for the notebook >>Moved to May>>
- Work on Keychain project
- Make a TikTok ❌Deleted TikTok❌
- Upload a YT video
- Design a board game >>Moved to May>>
- Dr. Appt. 4/7 @ 9 am
- Go location hunting for both ARG and certain scenes of Last Meal
- Paint Rainbow Eyes (Blue)
- Design Plaguesona ❌Lost Interest❌
- Plan both anniversary dinners
- Find an aesthetic and stick to it
mar 28 2022 ∞
may 1 2022 +