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I love to enjoy sunshine, music, and people! Also, apparently I'm addicted to social networking sites, because I have roughly 5 as of now.

Instead of my links, I'll post cool links!

listography NEW NEWS
  • Back when nobody had cars! Walking was honestly an option for my friends and I, and we did it often. From walking to crossroads, the movie theater, or up Rich Mountain, we did it all the time!
  • The day I went to Dollywood with Matthew, Emily, and Caitlin, and we were stalked by the tubby Motorcycle Mystery Man.
  • When everybody loved myspace. It's just a wasteland of sorts now. :(
  • That one time I fed a horse a McDonald's cheeseburger. Is that wrong?
  • The night Tony Plastino spent $100 on Nerf Guns so Matthew, Devan, and myself could do a drive-by at Krystals
  • Going to Dollywood all the time the summer after Freshman year. We were all obsessed with pirates and would often pretend we were looking for treasure--and find some we did!
  • "Jousting" in sophomore year. 4 players, the two smaller ones perched on the backs of the larger two. Arms extended forward, a straight sprint, and lots of screaming. So annoying, I'm sure...but too damn fun.
  • My first kiss at K-mart. The only good thing about that place
    • Me: "Thank you"

Her: "You have to go"

  • Staying up all night playing internet games with Matthew, then running around the yard as the sun came up as we were "chased" by The Bedtime T-rex
  • The last night of the Youth Legislature trip to Nashville when the boys and I were trapped in our rooms by the terrible "Floppy Cock"
  • The time I forced a blank law through in Kevin Rowland's government class. Take that, Swafford! Mwuahahahaha!!!!
  • Our quaint little youth group at Wild Wood Baptist Church, especially that trip we took when we went ice skating, shopping, and to Wasabi. Really good memories!
  • The midnight release of the final Harry Potter book. Everyone was dressed up, and there was SOOO much magic in the air. I got to pull the wand out of Lucius Malfoy's cane, and I still have my card that had my number in line. Slytherin #67.
  • The night of graduation when I accidentally peed on Garrett's dog, only to hear someone shout "Who pissed on Sam?? We're gonna best busted!" a few minutes later
  • At one point my laugh was a nasally "HEE HEE HEE!", and I couldn't make it go away
  • My first terrible job at the Carmike Movie theater. It didn't last long, but I remember it well. It was dark, depressing, and gross, but I liked it. Now I won't even go to that horrid place
  • Back when everything was so clique-ish! "Preps shouldn't listen to HIM!" HAHAHAHAAAA!!! gay, Taylor. What were you thinking? I guess Freshman year makes idiots of us all
  • When Matthew, Russ, and I always messed with the fearsome Derek Bell!!! Recently, I've come to the conclusion that this entity wasn't a real person though...
  • Those awesome guy nights at Sullivans with Garrett, Stan, and David. Some nights I've laughed the hardest in my life
  • The one time Matthew and I made torches and accidentally set my porch on fire
    • I almost burnt my face off that night. Seriously
mar 7 2010 ∞
mar 7 2010 +