• 1998.07.04 : judgement + high priestess
  • birth card : 21 reduces to 3 (2+1) ; world + empress
    • The World and The Empress have in common clear minds and presence in the moment. In crown and wreath and hand-held symbols they share a sense of high purpose. In the gold of ornament and detail they have a common concern for spiritual elevation. They contrast as active and settled, as expressive and reserved, as personal and formal, as symmetrical and organic.
    • The World brings measure to The Empress' abundance; she brings orderly conclusion to The Empress' fertile beginning. The World's energy and openness balances The Empress' immobility and formality.
    • Unintegrated and imperfectly realized, The World can be awkward and inappropriate, brazen and overbearing, heavy-handed and destructive, stiffly traditional and unimaginative.
    • The Empress can be wildly self-indulgent, unaware of and unconcerned with consequences. She can be vain, overbearing and autocratic, and use weakness, whimsy and helplessness to manipulate people and events.
    • Together they can be spontaneous and graceful, beautiful and proportionate. Between them, things do what they were born to do, live as they were meant to live, and last as long as they were meant to last. Between them, destinies are realized and completed.
nov 4 2020 ∞
aug 23 2023 +