user image

we're a system of mainly homestuck fictives, body is 25+yo, some folks age regress and age slide, and we're fully inclusive of non-trauma systems. we do not identify as disordered nor think our trauma is the sole reason for our existence as plural.

listography NEW NEWS
serpens system (us)
notes (agnes)

tumblr tagging system

  • kar.txt / karkat.txt - Kar/Karkat's posts including responses
  • karkat.png - karkat art that gives ID feels
  • karkat vantas - just general pics of karkat
  • kar aes - imagery or such Kar likes that don't fit into other categories
  • kar stims - stimmy for kar
  • kar/karkat stuff - specific interest stuff/likes that don't fall under stimmy or aesthetic
  • karkat mems - things that remind kar of karkat canon stuff
  • vantas fam - specific family-related posts
  • kar pride - posts that include orientations/queer pride related to kar's (might not use)
  • kar wishlist

all systemmate tags will follow the above format as well

  • dave shrine - most things about daves bc karkat's gay
  • dave things - dave things that we dont wanna tag dave shrine like ppl's personal posts


  • reply - posts with direct replies on them/conversations with others
  • system info - info about our system
  • system stuff - posts generally about plurality and systems
  • oceantae.txt - signed by cofronting sysmates and such
  • mems - things related to our timelines, memories
  • fam - canonmates, mostly pics
  • ships are tagged as ship names
  • cw - for possible triggering stuff
  • baes - datemate stuff, mostly pictures
  • nd stuff - neurodivergent posts
  • stimmy - stuff that's stimmy for us
  • queer stuff or qtie - orientation stuff
  • gender stuff
  • pride - queer pride stuff
  • posi - positivity focused posts
  • negative - for cw purposes
  • aesboard - aesthetic or moodboards
  • qcourse - discoursey
  • magick - about magick
  • curses
  • kar's grimoire - to be moved to sideblog
  • pagan - our religious stuff
  • theoi, hellenismos, hellenic paganism, greek paganism - about greek deities
  • funny
  • psa, sb
  • reminder - read later
  • "fandom name/source" - ex. hiveswap, homestuck
  • "orientation alias" - example. aro, ace
  • relation help, relationship stuff - tips and advice etc for relationships
  • pda - those gay suggestion posts
  • fashion
  • "animal" - ex. dogs, buns, cats
  • ocean, ocean aes
  • plants, nature
  • moon
  • how to adult - advice for living on your own, life advice
  • art - non fandom
  • important - usually discourse posts, talks about stuff one of us believes very strongly in that is usually controversial/greatly misunderstood
jun 14 2017 ∞
jul 2 2022 +