If checked off, I successfully scored it at the sale. If not checked, will be looking next year.
- old fashioned metal ice trays
- ✔ canisters for kitchen stuff, nice seal and ceramic
- metal tins for craft stuff & work projects
- shelving? for crafting supply . . .
- mid-century modern decor
- ✔ couch pillows
- 1970's or 60s decor
- floor pillows?
- ✔ art/craft supply
- ✔ sweaters for me
- work appropriate sweaters/shirts for me
- ✔ polos for Jacob
- skirts
- ✔ look through albums, games, and stationary stuffs
- ✔ bigger/better garlic holder
- ✔ look through jewelry . . . bracelets earrings necklaces
- ✔ old sheets to crochet rugs/pet mats/pillows with
- interestingly designed silverware to make into jewelry etc.