(i hate this word god ugh) i used to not have any of these, but then people made me extremely uncomfortable with these by being pushy combined with fandom content that squicked me out. feel free to skip these if you don't really care which they are. my opinions are all based completely on my own experiences with it.

i'm usually not the biggest fan of childhood friends to lovers trope because of a personal experience with my own childhood friend.

  • krkn - platonic is chill, queer platonic is encouraged, romantic and sexual is immediate 'i am leaving immediately'. I care a lot about their friendship, so seeing it reduced to gross sexual content that looks borderline shota makes me not so happy with the ship. In addition, I've had multiple fans of the ship basically attack me for what I like, one going so far as to make a joke about shooting kurotsuki fans, so I'm just not so thrilled with anything to do with this ship past queer platonic. I'm also constantly upset with how kenma, in fanworks catering to this ship, is often characterized as in need of saving because of social anxiety which makes people with anxiety seem helpless and weak. In addition, they make kuroo it's a dickhead who keeping pushing sexual things despite kenma being outwardly uncomfortable and that's literally so far from how he actually is and I just cannot stand bye
  • tkym - once again, another ship I didn't have specific feelings about until the bad fans ruined it. and another strong platonic bond that is often reduced to small helpless uke needing to get dicked in the fandom and I'm just not about that life. I used to enjoy the less ooc fanworks for the ship, but now all of it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. yamaguchi often gets similar treatment as kenma, the 'i have anxiety so i need saving' bullshit (that I want to bury in the ground forever because it's not true and yall are fucking dumb if you think that). add in the tendency for tkym fans to throw kuroo under the bus and make him the evil ex who ruined tsukki's life and i'm just done forever with this ship. as with krkn, I love me some platonic or queer platonic of these two.
mar 2 2017 ∞
jul 4 2018 +