- info
- fc is golshifteh farahani
- aesthetic board
- late 30s/mid 40s
- mixed, iranian/black
- curvy/a lil stocky, 5'4
- blind in one eye, selective mute, and has chronic pain
- bi & cis, she/her
- sounds like pharah but depressed
- right eye is cloudy blue, left is lavender
- has a scar through right eye
- black hair, shoulder length
- medium/dark skin
- lotta freckles n sunken eyes
- story details
- killed her abusive husband in self defense but blocked it out and remembers him fondly due to trauma
- makes victorian-esque jewelry out of his bones and hair
- starts the cult to bring her husband back from the dead
jun 17 2017 ∞
jun 17 2017 +