- info
- fc is caoimhin o'brien
- aesthetic board
- late 20s/early 30s
- mixed, filipino/italian
- lean twink ass, 5'6
- gay cis guy, he/him
- sounds like a snarky narrator
- light brown eyes
- short dark brown hair
- light/medium skin
- model face
- septum piercing
- bee tattoo behind his ear, artsy minimalist faces on his ribcage, and IX.XVII.MCMXCVII above his left elbow
- story details
- drug dealer/more or less beats ppl up for a living
- met brooke at a bar while drinking to forget god
- had a v good upbringing n loves his family?? unrealistic
note: not my oc, he belongs to dean nursewives on tunglr. he's just v involved w/ the cult and mostly brooke :^)
jun 17 2017 ∞
jun 29 2017 +