- info
- fc is jack paulo
- aesthetic board
- mid 30s
- black
- average, 5'8
- autistic
- bi cis guy, he/him
- v noncommittal mumbly voice
- light blue eyes
- white hair, chest length
- dark skin
- wrinkles around eyes, rectangular glasses
- story details
- went to medical school and became a coroner instead of a doctor due to lack of social skills
- became addicted to sedatives as a child because his mother used them to keep him "manageable"
- uses said sedatives and medical knowledge to lobotomize and entrance victims, leaving them more or less dead mentally and keeping them as pets until they die of starvation or overdose
- his one success, blier, became a sort of boyfriend to him and often manipulates nalo
- brooke contacted him about the cult assuming he'd be interested, they were high school sweethearts despite being incompatible in most ways
jun 21 2017 ∞
jun 25 2017 +