- info
- fc is sora choi
- aesthetic board
- late teens
- korean
- average weight but v gangly, 5'9
- bigass anxiety, avpd
- bi trans girl, she/her
- high n airy voice, like she's being choked
- black eyes
- black hair, chest length
- light skin
- high cheekbones and v dead looking
- story details
- v isolated korean exchange student
- occult club president/only member
- she tried to summon a ghost companion via human sacrifice after her loneliness got the best of her
- thinking it didn't work, she overdosed and hung herself but her companion posessed her at the last minute leaving her constantly wavering between life and death
- because of this she's a little loopy and speaks v raspily due to being out of breath
- found the cult base due to a paranormal hunch and joined the cult to convince piper to let her die
- he obviously refuses, but makes remedies for her to lessen the effects of her predicament
jun 17 2017 ∞
jun 21 2017 +