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Some bare-bones facts.

→ A lady, lady.
→ 23 and not ready to grow up yet.
→ College graduate and slacker extraordinaire.
→ Avoiding real life by being a barista.

An indication of myself, in keywords + phrases.

→ Absent-minded.
→ Short-tempered.
→ Easily distracted.
→ Directionless.
→ Clumsy - with words, with actions.
→ Good-humored.
→ Full of good intentions.

The things I...


I have a long list of somewhat distracted and/or unfocused desires, most (well, okay, all, I'm sure) of which I would like to keep a stellar blog about. For instance, if I could only have a bit more kitchen space to myself, I would love to keep a cooking blog of some sort - sort of a "let's challenge this recipe today and see how it pans out" or a "home canning/smoking/pickling/things-that-seem-old-fashioned-but-would-be-very-handy" type of thing. So, let's make a list of things I would blog about if, god willing, I had either time or patience to do more than complain. Shall we?

cooking/food-tackling blog

  • Like I said, most likely a recipe, experimentation blog.

dining blog

  • Nothing special, just photos from dining out experiences. This would probably require a little bit more out of me than I think I'd be willing to dedicate, especially in monetary terms, plus there are one million and one dining blogs on the internet, so I have to wonder what would be the point.

photo blog

  • Again, this would a take a bit of effort from me. I mean, if I was going to post photos online, for one, realistically I would make myself a flickr account (which I do consider blogging). But even with that, I'd rather get a manual camera and post analog photos because that, dear, is what would make it all worth it. But film. Costs. Money.

lunch-box blog - bento style, because that's just too much fun

  • This is something I would love to do when I nail down a more regular schedule and have more time in the kitchen. This is likely to be around the same time I would actually have time and space to cook frequently, which just isn't feasible for now.

travel blog

  • I might be going abroad to teach English. The whole situation is so entirely up-in-the-air at the moment, but I know the moment I find out if I've gotten the job, I am going to start spending a ridiculous amount of time working to put together a really great blog - in between trying to teach myself Korean so I don't lose my mind and trying to buff up on everything I know about TEFL so I don't totally and entirely fail as a teacher.

And that, well, that seems to be all I can come up with at the moment. Though as I was typing it out, I thought that it might be fun to do a sewing blog or a dollhouse blog, but sewing is a hobby I don't have time for and the epic construction of a dollhouse (with working electricity, mind you) is something I don't even plan to think about until I have children and they are in college. So that's the end of that chapter.

may 26 2011 ∞
may 26 2011 +