thanks to dear Andre Carrington's ever so cutely passive-agressive e-mail regarding his beloved diluted NYU Liberal Studies class that gives him the right to deem the position so delightful to his ego, I now know what is on my final exam! joy, joy abounds.
- Section 12
- date of final: Wednesday, December 22nd: 4:00 - 5:50 pm
- one hour and fifty minutes long
- location: our classroom, 5th floor Silver Center
- the test consists of:
- several questions asking you to group works of art together based on features they have in common. there will be images of those works of art in the room.
- several fill-in-the-blank style items that require definitive answers or the completion of rather obvious phrases that should be known
- two short essay questions
- four options to choose from
- plan to leave about 40 minutes to respond to both of your selections
- in the ever-so-classic medium known as the "Blue Book"
- what will not be on the test:
- Candide
- Clotel
- anything from the 18th century (1700s) and earlier
- which means what may be on the test:
- ✔ Said's Orientalism
- ✔ Kipling's _The White Man's Burden_
- Stokstad's Nineteenth-Century Art in Europe and the United States
- ✔ poems by Bei Dao
- ✔ Nineteenth-Century French Realism (on blackboard)
- ✔ Impressionism: Art and Modernity (on blackboard)
- Negrophilia
- Introduction
- Packaging the Primitive
- the Dark Side of Surrealism
- L'art Jazz and the Black Bottom
- ✔ Brecht's Mother Courage and Her Children
- Rashomon
- Turner, McGill, and Gerow's Jazz Heritage
- Satrapi's Persepolis
- ✔ Harper's Framing the Margins
- pay attention to the overall themes dear Andre decided to isolate as titles for what we've been learning according to the syllabus - this may be secret insight into how his predictable mindset chooses to pose interrogation