~I'm posting this picture to signify my abandonment of the photographer of The Sartorialist ever knowing things, ever. I must have been wrong all of this time...sigh.
- read Ninteenth-Century French Realism from the Helibrunn Timeline
- read Impressionism: Art and Modernity from the Helibrunn Timeline
- read poems by Bei Dao
- go over all of Language, Proof and Logic textbook and review all of the things I don't understand so maybe I will actually start to understand things and not fail
- call mother
- set up dinner time/place tomorrow
- ask her to bring EyeScrub pads
- also bring the Stick of Warfare and the naked mannequin remnants (am I an odd daughter...?)
- tell her to set up an appt. to get my hair cut and dyed with William and Debbie
- clean up/hide all illicit things before 7
- fire safety inspection at 7 (I have to be in the Castle)
- clean room
- clean bathroom
- do dishes
- balance checkbook
- buy deodorant
- wash old comforter
- return propane grill to Kmart
- call grandmas
- do French webassignment
- start hacking into Algebra & Calculus hw
- start hacking into Logic hw
- do anything not accomplished yesterday before dinner with the parental units
- dinner with the parental units
- wear something flattering
- show them my room (in tip-top condition, o'course!)
- give them back comforter and cooler
- retrieve goods from them
- make cards
- paint toenails
- go food shopping/toiletry shopping
- get money from everyone to pay back the Insomnia Cookies debt
- go over Oral Diagnostic sheet for French
- French Oral Diagnostic at 11 in the basement of the Language building on University Place
- French class at 12:30
- see what I have to do for the weekend and get started!