desperately needed distractions from death. for those who know me well: I promise I'm kidding myself with assigning half of these activities, and you know this just as well as I do.
- balance checkbook & transpose money-transaction related matter to "Accounts" app on iPhone
- clean screen/body of MacBook Pro
- clean Sigg bottle
- continue allowing my "tolerance" to wane in regards to all substances
- "deforestation"
- discover all of final grades from fall semester and handle the consequences accordingly
- download more music to eventually/immediately dislike
- fiddle in things only freedom would allow me to fiddle with
- figure out/obtain Christmas gifts for others
- file FCM work request for Cunt Castle's various plumbing issues
- find NYU card
- fulfill the politics of my "attendance" on Long Island
- get hair cut & dyed
- Thursday, January 6th at 1:00 pm
- get month long gym membership at BodyWorks/go to the gym daily
- go snowboarding and figure out if it's a temporarily likeable activity (if so, plan a trip to Vermont [Stowe?] for this break)
- go to Secret Beach in the snow
- go to the Cunt Castle and import/export things and people from said loci
- hang out with friends from home that matter
- make "cards"
- make lists
- make Loren give me directive on what to read to keep my mental state intact despite the current environment I must occupy time and space in
- make more "Katie Weinstein Forever" t-shirts
- orchestrate camping trip at Hither Hills and make a reservation for this summer
- perfect things on my computer such as iPhoto, iTunes, Address Book, etc.
- plan a snowboarding expedition of sorts somewhere far to pass a good portion of time this break
- play around on various musical instruments I happen to know how to play
- play Call of Duty: Black Ops on the big screen in my basement! (this is embarrassing, yes)
- play in the snow, weather permitting
- post blogs on "Ya Bitch Lounges" (for no one to read, of course)
- purchase:
- book shelf
- bras
- food and wholesale things from Costco for the Castle
- hanging lamp
- new clothing
- random artifacts that please me
- sandalwood incense
- sweatpants
- tweezers
- read things I would never have the chance to during the seasons of academia
- steal the "Autistic Child Area" sign that was just hung on a pole a block away from my house
- take certain garments to the dry cleaner to get remedied of their specific ailements
- use Cunt Castle for a communal gathering of sorts, if I even care enough
- visit Dana in New Jersey
- watch movies