• that a friend of mine could be happy again...i'm kind of wishing this more than anything else right now
  • that i wasn't so easily distracted
  • that i could find a decent lemon meringue pie
  • that my sleeping patterns could go back to being crazy, cause i may be well rested at the moment but i'm also not as productive
  • that i could be anywhere but Melbourne
  • i'm also wishing for a new phone because my current one is a world of bother
  • that i could figure out what i'm supposed to do with my '09
  • that i could be in america for the Ben Folds Five reunion
  • that i could go to any gig at all, actually, cause it's been too long since i had some live music
  • and the secret one. that involves a bad choice, twenty dollars + seven dollars, ten minutes and several weeks of stress
sep 7 2008 ∞
oct 15 2008 +