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  • Organic honey toast on grain bread when craving's my latest obsession and probably a little better for you.
  • Lettuce, hommus and grated carrot sandwiches inspired by those kickass salad roles the Co-op at Uni makes. If only I could make them as kickass-erly. If that's a word.
  • Mock the Week, a Brit satire panel show. If Aussie comedians were this funny I might bother keeping up with Australian current affairs and issues. At least I have a good repoirte (or however the fuck you spell it) of Wayne Rooney, Max Mosley and Gordon Brown jokes. Surely that'll come in handy.
  • Getting outside more than once a day, and for windows of time longer than a minute. I've sorely neglected this point and I think it's part of the reason I'm going mental. Too much time thesising or staring blankly at my computer screen.
  • Pokemon, as in the original primary colours. Bother this Emerald, Diamond, Markezite, Hazlenut, Sandstone bollocks. It's all about the holy trinity. Best nerding out timewaster.
  • Water, and plenty of it, if you have pimple-magnet skin like I do it.
  • Jens Lekman for the melancholy, the joy, the heartbreak, the inspiration, the contemplation. Love.
  • Handy internet time-wasters, like this, like the demonevil Facebook, like Guba and Isohunt (for streamy-torrenty goodness), like Oo-Tube, like Blogger, like Dlisted. Cause a girl needs lazy ways to procrastinate when she should be writing her thesis.
  • ..And on that note, back to the grind. Or back to eating toast, not sure which.
aug 18 2008 ∞
nov 15 2008 +