• i after e except after c really works, but then again so does spell checker
  • i need to be more realistic and critical of my wants and desires
  • attending pointless lectures out of some strange sense of obligation is an pointless exercise in time-wasting and frustration - i'm not advocating slack study habits at all, but if you're not interested in learning about the photographic history of yak bollocks or 17C drawings of fruit, it's not intrinsic to the course you're studying, and an attendance mark doesn't force you there, it's better to just skip the damn thing. go drink lemonade in a field, pick daises, shoot squirrels, anything else. i love learning, i love/hate uni, but it's taken me four fucking years to learn that a record of apple-polishing every-week attendance isn't worth anything
  • an apple a day doesn't keep any kind of medical practitioner away, but it does give you (if you are indeed me) a stomachache
  • when alcohol is involved, there are no winners, and the wallet, dignity, body, memory and productivity of the imbibe-er suffers greatly...not to say drinking ain't fun, just to say that the losses generally outweigh the wins
  • if you're expecting something to be amazing it won't be
  • if you're expecting something to suck harder than a nuclear powered vaccuum cleaner it probably won't
  • i am a geek, and this will never change
  • public speaking is not and will never come easily to me
  • it's a waste of time picking interests, loves and loathes based on what you think will be well received by the latte-swilling hipster set, because you'll just wind up looking like a self-loathing schizophrenic dweeb
  • the internet is a dangerous and enticing place
  • people generally deserve less credit than you give them...it's not called a human condition for nothing
aug 22 2008 ∞
aug 22 2008 +