• Forgetting the things i need to remember and continually being reminded of things i'd like to forget.
  • This constant exhaustion...maybe there is something good to be had from this sleeping and eating like a regular person thing.
  • Indecision of all sorts...i'm starting to feel defeated when it comes to even the most mundane of choices, such as picking the right flavour honey. Forget about important choices, they completely confuse and overwhelm me.
  • My broken mobile phone.
  • Anyone that assumes I'm doing fascinating things with my time, and thus are making excuses not to see them. All i do is study. I am the most boring person I know bar nobody and this is why I don't hang out much these days. That and I hate [insert person's name here].
  • My ever worsening inability to behave like a regular, well adjusted, socially capable human being.
  • And on that note, myself. I am shitting me off more than anything else right now.
aug 30 2008 ∞
oct 15 2008 +