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  • leggings as pants - i think Hohan stared it, but that aside, it just looks like the silly fashiontragic whores forgot to put pants on
  • that strange period of late 90s time where fluro green, bright orange and vinyl couch blue were the three colours du jour
  • the g-string over the hips and out of the jeans thing...marginally better than plumber's crack which still ain't saying much
  • sweaters that stop above the navel on the ground of, what's the freakin point
  • those dumb arse private school kid fluro tracksuit pants, which to the best of my knowledge still endures amongst the terminally unimaginative set
  • socks n sandals nuff said
  • slogan t-shirts that profess superficial love for significant others, significant others of others, world peace, the ramones, green energy, dolphins, the oc and paris hilton or have lame sexual innuendos on them... don't get me wrong, i love tacky, but even in the realm of tack there's some boundaries that shouldn't be crossed
aug 19 2008 ∞
aug 20 2008 +