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  • "Magnolia" by Paul Thomas Anderson - other than being an amazing film, stellar on-form cast, possibly the best opening to a movie i've ever seen, clever without being (overly) pretentious it has one of my favourite sad movie moments...when Stanley approaches his Dad to tell him that "you need to be nicer to me" it's utterly heartbreaking. You can't help get the impression (as underscored by the Donnie Smith storyline) that nothing is going to change, and Stanley has a lonely life ahead of him.
  • "Vagabond" by Agnes Varda - compelled me to scrawl out a letter of love and appreciation to my folks, something I don't think I've ever felt the need to do before. When the title drifter character tells you that she's lonely, and tired, you really believe it.
  • "The Fly" by David Cronenberg - not so much a sad film, but the ending is wonderfully macarbe. When Brundlefly points the gun to his own head, willing Veronica to kill him, I bawled my bitch eyes out. Go figure.
  • "Wilbur Wants to Kill Himself" by Lone Scherfig - nobody is more self-sacrifing than Harbour yet you can't help feel for the poor bastard. All he does is spread love and kindness on those around him, wanting to take care of his suicidal brother Wilbur, who for reasons unknown was always loved best by their parents and the destitute and lonely Alice whom he eventually marries. Even when he is diagnosed with cancer and he realises Alice has fallen for Wilbur, he manages to maintain a good-natured cheer and accept his fate. As much as I was charmed by Wilbur it was hard not to mourn the tragedy of Harbour's life.
aug 13 2008 ∞
aug 20 2008 +