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There's nowhere to hide but away from me, but I just want to listen to your words

  • Words - Darren Hayes - no matter how much indie, garage, rock, folk, *insert credible music genre here* I listen to I'll always have a soft for pop, and I think Darren Hayes makes great pop music. It's pretty easy to write his music off as cheesy disposable pop, which I guess it sometimes is, but 'This Delicate Thing...' is a finely crafted album. He has a beautiful voice and I find his music to be injected with the kind of emotion or honesty that I think is lacking from a lot of the 'ooh baby' shit flying around the pop scene these days.

Now with clarity I see that your bullshit is just not worthy of me

  • Special Ones - George - I hadn't listened to this for such a long time til it came up on a random play. I think 'Polyserena' is more it's parts than it's sum (if that makes sense) and I always found this to be one of the stand out tracks. I can't help but admire and marvel at how katie Noonan manages to sound delicate, defiant and ready to beat the shit out of somebody at the same time.

She sends out an aroma of undefined lust

  • Girl U Want - DEVO - this song makes me incredibly happy cause...well fuck, it's DEVO. 'Nuff said. And if you don't agree, you have no sense of fun.

I never understand these things I feel, I love you, goodbye

  • Don't Change Your Plans - Ben Folds - I was cleaning the other day when I found an old student ID given to me by an ex-boyfriend. It stopped me in my tracks and I sat and stared at it for about half an hour, thinking about how much everything had changed since highschool, how much I'd changed. I swing between finding this song triumphant or depressing, but on this occasion I kind of felt like I was a character in the song, sitting on a packed box preparing to leave a house I'd shared with an ex-lover. I thought about things I'd planned to do with the ex whose ID card I'd found, and the one before that, and smiled to myself, kind of relieved. It was very odd, even by my reckoning.

I want you, I want you like I'm 18

  • Get Over It - Guillemots - Oh the joys of innovative indiepop. I only discovered the musical wonderment that is the Guillemots recently, and apart from harboring a demented obsession with leadboy Fyfe Dangerfield, they make really interesting songs. That one line, it's so simple but it sums up that great dizzying feeling of obsessive frustration, inconsolable lust and reality-induced despair.
aug 18 2008 ∞
oct 24 2008 +