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  • DEVO/Regurgitator - apart from being boxed in by three of the hairiest, most hygiene-challenged stoners I've ever had the misfortune of encountering, it was an amazing if not slightly bizarre show. Seeing the Gurg play fulfilled a giglust I'd been harboring for nigh on ten years now, since I was a little JJJ obsessed thing. And DEVO put on an incredible show that kind of belied their hagged, grandaddy appearance. They'd all make gnarly Uncles and GrandDaddys, I'm sure of it. The other surprising thing was how poorly their anti-Bush sentiment went down. I don't think I've heard anybody 'boo' fuck bushisms before, and I never would have expected it from a crowd of DEVO punters.
  • Trial Kennedy/Gyroscope - the first gig I ever went to in Melbourne and man they put on a fantastic show. A capacity crowd bundled into a tiny stone-oven sweatbox other known as 'The Gershwin Room' at the Espy, Gyroscope had (and still have) more stage presence than any other band I've ever seen. I hope there's still tix left for their Australia tour. Even though I didn't like Breed Obsession that much, when I watch them play live they manage to convince me that every song of their's is my favorite.
  • Jens Lekman - Going in good faith on the recommendation of my friend Ag, I fell in love (ironically enough) the instant that the tiny, charming Swede sung out sans-music 'I am leaving you because I don't love'. He was polite but endearingly so and played the kind of show that I never wanted to end. His voice, despite being kind of soft and lilting, really cut through me in every song and I loved his quirky yet easily relatable lyrics.
  • Ben Folds & MSO - Such an experience. I don't even know how to describe it. The orchestral backing really added to his songs and he managed to play most of my favorites.
  • Josh Pyke - With the mummies and Tess. Despite dreadful pain from having to stand about for quite a long time, the backing he used for this set reinvigorated what i had already thought was an awesome album. Shame he didn't record his album with the same musicians really.

GIG HATE The Worst

  • Green Day/Simple Plan - I'm ashamed I ever shelled the cash for this mishmash of a show. Firstly, what was I thinking. Secondly, arena shows where you spend the entire show being jostled about by sweaty screaming emo fangirls suck balls. Thirdly, WHAT THE FUCK WAS I THINKING?
  • PatD - And I'm not just deriding Green Day and PatD for the lack of credibility that comes with watching such hackarse bands. Cause both shows were actually pretty horrid experiences. PatD sucked because we were trapped at the very back of the crowd, and because of the same shrill emo fangirl crowd that plagued Green Day. I'd like to think I've since learnt my lesson of these sorts of gigs.
aug 18 2008 ∞
aug 20 2008 +