• Love is a Battlefield by Pat Benetar

Cause one of my favourite memories from Uni thus far is you screeching this from your nose and singing it like you meant it, even though this song means so very little.

  • I'm leaving you because I don't love you by Jens Lekman

Cause you took me to his show, and for the tiny moments I wasn't completely captivated by the great man himself, I got to reflect on how grateful I was that I managed to make friends like you in Melbourne.

  • Dig by Incubus

Cause you love this band so very very much, and cause I think it resonates with the kind of melancholy that I occasionally worry runs through your cheerful, affable nature. Sometime I think we won't be friends for much longer, and I have no idea why. This thought makes me sad.

  • White and Nerdy by Weird Al

Cause we watched this on repeat at either yours or mine for about an hour. There's so much to love about you. I love you humour, it makes me laugh in a completely shameless, unabashed way.

  • Lady Marmalade by those Moulin Rouge Sluts

Cause we used to sing this in highschool walking back to class across the oval. It's one of the happiest and simplest memories I have of highschool.

aug 23 2008 ∞
aug 25 2008 +