• Miss AshleaJayne - and I blame the thesis, the distance, and my laziness, but I plan on rectifying this come holidays.
  • DrewDrew - even if it's only been about a day since he scooted, cause it hits 3am and there's no one awake to demand coffee, company and pointless car rides off.
  • Kim - cause I've barely had time to see her this year, and it makes me look forward to our little toolies trip even more.
  • Browse-Crew - because it made those long shitty Fridays bearable, to sit and bitchwhinge about disliked classmates and impossible assessments.
  • The One That Shall Remain Nameless - and I'm not even sure why, and I think the feeling will pass, but it's frustrating all the same.
  • The Other One That Shall Remain Nameless - as I wouldn't want them to think I resented them, cause it was expected, and I don't blame them at all, but it doesn't stop me missing the time when we were constantly in touch. Fuck I'm needy...or maybe not. Much love is still sent in their direction, and I know I get the same back. I just remember some really awesome times, even when the times around us were not so much.
  • Coffebitchy Tuesdays - although I do still frequently see the people that I shared these with, it was the only good thing about a ridiculous break in the middle of those dumbass Tuesday Honours Class days.
  • Steph - even if we're not close friends and I still see her every so often, probably the only housemate I've ever regretted leaving behind. I guess I'm also anticipating the leaving.
nov 15 2008 ∞
nov 21 2008 +