• Em-Em - once upon a time by a shithead I no longer care for, and now reappropriated by the only two people I'd ever let get away with such cutesy fuckery, since I love them both very much.
  • Melissa-Jones, Emford - by a crazy little Indian that seems to rename me with little reason, but I dig the nicknaming for the ridiculous affection it makes me feel.
  • Portia - by my dear Ellen, whom I haven't known long at all, and don't see too often, but I'm still going to miss very much when she jetsets to crazy distant lands.
  • Asian - from a friendly type not close friend who seems fascinated by all things other-racial, also often received from a drunk housemate, and from some distant time ago by an exboyfriend that deserved a lot better than I gave him.
  • Any configuration of 'slut', 'mole', 'whore' and '[insert body part here] face' - just one of the many non-sensical insult-love type nicknames I cop off another good friend, who I've missed quite a lot this year, and from other friends that continue that strange affectionate habit of gently slandering the ones you love. I think I have a message from one of the friends that communicates in this way that just consists of the word 'slut' in caps, about twenty times.
  • Stranger - appropriately from a new almost-kind of friend whom is, ostensibly, a stranger.
  • Some long ridiculous string of names bookended by my actual stupid name - from another new almost-kind of-not really friend in a casual message exchange, and it scores a mention because it made me laugh at the time, at the ridiculousness, and cause it hit upon my own relentless nonsensical renaming of people.
  • 'Emma Luxford' said with an emphasis that text cannot convey - from a not really friend that I knew some time ago, who generally referred to people by their full names, and if I can still remember that then it bears mentioning.


  • Ellen - see above.
  • Nashlea, Nash-Nash - not original thoughts of mine, but I dig just because together we're both emo-queens in our silly little hearts.
  • Indian, Yogi Bear - because he's so adorable, he deserves nicknames that reflect as such.
  • The German - which may explain how I became 'Asian' to him at least, but not out of racial stereotyping, out of (what was then) complete affection.
  • Boofhead - again, not my creation at all, but calling him that somehow reminds me of a lot of the fun one of the little triumvarate's I was rolled up in last year was.
  • Princess Sofia - I can't believe I remember this one, but it emerged from an MSN conversation between concerned party and another friend. I miss all the laughing the three of us did back then, it won't be coming back.
  • Yimping, Shagatha, Shags - (and variations on the theme) - she doesn't really seem like the lame nickname type, but nobody is safe from my linguistically-twisting fancies.
  • Random assortment of 'slut' and 'whore' related things - generally directed at the friends that partake in the same, and apart from one friend from whom it all really bothers me, because I suspect it sometimes comes from a place that means it, it continues the silly aforementioned tradition of insulting those you love.
nov 15 2008 ∞
nov 18 2010 +