• committing to a plan that i might hate for next year
  • bearing down on 23 and still be studying...yeah yeah i get it it's not that old but i'm hideously age-ist
  • oddly sweet text messages from typically unsweet people, that bring about strange realisations
  • being reminded that i make stupid stupid choices, and having that fact throw doubt over future choices i might be thinking about
  • a sudden reappraisal of why i feel the way i do about a certain uni, and coming up with fairly awful reasons
  • a less sudden realisation that once something is done, it can't be un-did...home skillet
  • dreams...constantly. the one where the maniac comes and shoots me and all the british comedians im hanging out with on a train home (yes, seriously)...the one about the guy i used to go out with involving my place of work and a really nasty fist fight and a swimming pool...the one about julianne moore killing me because im trying to steal mark ruffalo away from (probably brought on by watching that new trailer too many times)
  • a nagging feeling that i may be heading back to where i was last year...rargh
oct 6 2008 ∞
nov 15 2008 +