• i found the long-lost and completely forgotten first album of peter björn (we have a swedish computer at work - how cool is that) and john and decided to play it over and over again until i just couldn't stand it anymore
  • in the morning, it's so quiet at work and there's really no one around, so i kind of started singing to peter björn and john and sang throughout the entire album
  • discovered that in the song "the chills", the vocalist sings "you're giving me the shhhhills" every single fucking time. and it pisses me off
  • ok. i think i kind of love this album anyway.
  • ate a stellar sandwich composed of a sesame seed bun, raspberry jam on one side and norvegia on the other + steaming hot tea with fresh ginger and lemon and a clementine
  • so lunch was awesome
  • and in addition to that, i discovered that my two favourite words are solitude and clementine

tbu (to be updated)

dec 29 2009 ∞
dec 29 2009 +