• of age. pan. any pronouns
  • ☉ capri ☾ cancer ↑ cancer
  • infp. slytherin
jun 26 2021 ∞
jan 6 2024 +
  • lilyanne marjorie (lily)
  • safarachia aline (fara)
  • shameika josephine sonora (amy)
jun 7 2023 ∞
aug 6 2023 +
jun 26 2021 ∞
oct 5 2023 +

in the open ?¿ doyueon, xeenoxee, yerimiense, devacasse &&& was manobbun, lafilledhivier, maunobun, suizhne, AUDIREKIKO, mizehara, lafulledhiver, lafilledhivern, Shuavoire, Doyeane, ladydoyeon, eiurong, mizuohara, LAURNTSAI


jun 26 2021 ∞
jan 6 2024 +

there's not much to see on my account because i don't tweet personal things often, but i can guarantee you that it's a safe space for everyone! i strongly won't tolerate any LGBTQ+ phobia or hate towards anyone. & if you're concerned about timeline wars, i do not intend to partake in them. therefore, if i made any mistakes and hurt your feelings (though that was never my aim), please do let me know so that i can express my sincere apologies.

feel free to contact me via personal messaging if you need to deliver something to me or simply converse!

jun 26 2021 ∞
jun 7 2023 +

i would really appreciate it if you don't follow me without my consent. moreover, don't force me to follow you back; there's a reason why i don't. so i hope there won't be any resentment when i remove someone who followed me without my approval. i apologize if this comes off as harsh for you, but not knowing who is on my timeline makes me feel very uneasy. it's the least i can do to ensure my comfort in my own space. your understanding is highly appreciated, thank you.

jun 26 2021 ∞
jun 7 2023 +