• don't follow me if you ship or sexualize real people

shipping real people without their consent is dehumanizing and usually fetishistic. it's treating real people like playthings and it's especially invasive when that shipping is sexual. this includes reading, writing, or supporting fanfiction and blatantly shippy fanart. sexualizing real people without their consent is invasive and creepy. the only time someone's sexual habits are your business is when you're in a relationship with them or when they choose to share that with you. this includes top/bottom and dom/sub discourse.

  • don't follow me if you're an ot4 red velvet stan or anti-yeri

i don't need to explain this if you hate yeri deactivate your account

  • don't follow me if you don't stan any girl groups

this only applies to kpop stans obviously but i personally have a strong distrust towards people who refuse to associate themselves with women and i don't want those people following my account.

  • don't follow me if you hate girl groups for no reason

no reason means trashing cute concepts, mocking or shaming girl group members based on things like looks or singing/dancing abilities, or belittling girl groups in order to make your boy group faves look better. there's literally no point in doing things like this. if you don't like girl groups, just don't talk about them.

back to carrd

feb 1 2018 ∞
feb 1 2018 +