• emoticons. even when used with the best of intentions, they still make me cringe.
  • slow walkers.
  • people who stop in really terrible places to stop. like the middle of a crowded walkway. or the middle of the aisle at old navy. just move to the side. it's so easy.
  • when people don't finish their sentences.
  • people who create their own problems just because they feel like they need problems to be interesting.
  • smokers. why?
    • smoking is expensive and yet they always complain they don't have any money.
    • it's a social crutch. get a personality. stop relying on that stick of tobacco to define who you are.
    • it's actually the stupidest thing ever. it defies all logic. how did you grow up in our generation, knowing all the health risks of smoking and yet you still do it? so dumb.
    • sign of weakness.
    • goes back to the previous peeve- homies always gotta be creating problems for themselves. people love to be flawed. it prevents them from ever having to reach their potential. which is scary. so they make up some weaknesses for themselves.
  • when people use the phrase ' i haven't seen you in a minute' or any phrase with the word 'minute'. the word 'minute' to me translates into a short period of time. but these people use 'minute' to mean a long period of time. it makes no sense.
  • when people read over my shoulder. i will literally hulk out. ask julie carr. don't read what i'm writing! if i wanted you to know what i was writing i would say it out loud! it's probably just stupid stuff anyway! if you missed a note, just ask me. don't friggin' look at my paper.
  • people who tell you to be quiet at concerts or give you dirty looks for dancing/singing/generally acting like a person at a concert.
  • all the dummies that show up for the dave matthews band concert in hershey every year.
    • because they create ridiculous traffic jams that take hours to get out of and make me late for things
    • because they refer to him as 'dave' like they know him
    • because they all claim to be hippies but i know their sundresses are from target and i am a hater.
  • olives. taste like b.o.
  • the hula hoop girl at the bell tower. we know you're a free spirit. we get it. don't you have class?
  • people who talk in class but have nothing of value to say and end up just talking themselves in a circle.
  • slow service at restuarants. or anywhere for that matter. not if they're busy or if there's some other logical explanation- i get that, that's fine. happens all the time. but if you're texting or talking to your coworkers or staring into space? not okay.
  • intense pda! how did i forget about this! hand holding/general arm around shoulder/waist- sure, okay. that's fine. making out in highly public places? no. absolutely not. i don't want to see it and i sure as hell don't want to participate in it.
    • this is a sidenote, but there is a lot of public making out in london- and not just any making out. it's super sensual kissing. real slow and (i was going to insert other adjectives here but even now they make me embarassed.) it makes me ridiculously uncomfortable.
aug 24 2010 ∞
sep 4 2010 +