• the smell of liz's car
  • singing loudly in large groups (bohemian rhapsody at the barry's; zombie at skatehouse; shortskirt/longjacket with my dodt group; rock lobster at parties at alex's)
  • seeing the little dirt bumps on the nose pore strips
  • laying on my bed and dumping all my warm, clean laundry on top of me
  • screaming in my car when i'm driving home by myself. just to see if i actually know how to scream because i really don't get the chance to very often. i like to keep in practice.
  • driving with my hand out the window
  • falling asleep among friends or in highly populated places. i took a wonderful nap under some bleachers during a muse set at a music festival.
  • eating brownie batter
  • when the piece you need in tetris falls perfectly into place, eliminating four solid rows
  • heated harry potter discussions
  • story telling
  • the goose bumps i get from a really good book or movie
  • planning things
  • making lists
  • tuna melts on English muffins with fresh tomatoes from the garden
  • when someone tells me i'm like my mom
  • the fact that my friends and i say "i love you" to each other often and genuinely mean it.
  • seeing small business owners who look really happy. specifically the lady who quit being a lawyer to run a cupcake truck. she's on campus on thursdays.
  • watching young dads and their babies interact
  • listening to a really good song on the train and looking out the window like you're in some movie montage
  • playing goofy games with my friends (mostly gregor tag, miniature tanks, and webster. but really any games at all.)
oct 28 2009 ∞
aug 31 2010 +