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Soy poco atractiva y bastante caprichosa. mis caprichos no son abundantes, pero la vida es complicada, y no soy buena para manejarla. Adoro el inglés y el francés,la Ópera, disfruto del teatro y de la poesía. Escribo, me ridiculizo y pretendo afianzarme en el mundo de la moda. Me obsesionan la pintura y las películas viejas.Amante del cine independiente, la lectura y la música. Podría vivir entre ...

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  • Maybe she's doing everything she can to sort out other people's lives.

-But her ?Her life,who's going to take care of that? -In the meantime,it's better to devote yourself to others than to a garden-dwarf. ( AMÉLIE)

  • A woman without love, it's like a flower without sun. It dies ( AMÉLIE )
  • DAN: No puedo verte, si lo hago, no te dejaría nunca

ALICE: Que vas a hacer cuando encuentre a alguien más? DAN: Celarte. ( CLOSER )

  • Sometimes it's hard for me to stay in one place. ( Girl, Interrupted)
  • When you don't want to feel, death can seem like a dream. But seeing death, really seeing it,makes dreaming about it fucking ridiculous. ( GIRL, INTERRUPTED)
  • I've been in good relationships and I've been in shitty ones, and I've moved a lot, and I've been happy

and I've been sad, and I've been lonely, and that's what I've been doing, which is a lot more than I can say for some freak who thinks. ( ALONG CAME POLLY)

  • Let me tell you something about this girl. She is unbelievable. I was new here and she befriended me, no questions asked. ( NEVER BEEN KISSED)
  • She said that she couldn't be number three or number four on someone's list of priorities. She said she could be number two,but not if number one was selling diapers. (A LOT LIKE LOVE)
  • Glad to be back? Yeah. Yeah. I couldn't be happier.

She's not a girl who misses much. I'll be here same time next week, okay? ( ACROSS THE UNIVERSE)

nov 2 2010 ∞
nov 6 2010 +