One of my goals in life is to visit EVERY state capital in the United States. Hopefully I'll get to all of them, but in the meantime, here is my progress so far
Visited: 11/50
- Alabama: Montgomery
- Alaska: Juneau ✓
- Arizona: Phoenix ✓
- Arkansas: Little Rock
- California: Sacramento ✓
- Colorado: Denver ✓
- Connecticut: Hartford
- Delaware: Dover
- Florida: Tallahassee
- Georgia: Atlanta
- Hawaii: Honolulu
- Idaho: Boise ✓
- Illinois: Springfield
- Indiana: Indianapolis
- Iowa: Des Moines
- Kansas: Topeka
- Kentucky: Frankfort
- Louisiana: Baton Rouge
- Maine: Augusta
- Maryland: Annapolis
- Massachusetts: Boston
- Michigan: Lansing
- Minnesota: St. Paul
- Mississippi: Jackson
- Missouri: Jefferson City
- Montana: Helena ✓
- Nebraska: Lincoln
- Nevada: Carson City ✓
- New Hampshire: Concord
- New Jersey: Trenton
- New Mexico: Santa Fe
- New York: Albany
- North Carolina: Raleigh
- North Dakota: Bismarck ✓
- Ohio: Columbus
- Oklahoma: Oklahoma City
- Oregon: Salem ✓
- Pennsylvania: Harrisburg
- Rhode Island: Providence
- South Carolina: Columbia
- South Dakota: Pierre
- Tennessee: Nashville
- Texas: Austin
- Utah: Salt Lake City ✓
- Vermont: Montpelier
- Virginia: Richmond
- Washington: Olympia
- West Virginia: Charleston
- Wisconsin: Madison
- Wyoming: Cheyenne ✓