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  • Deva and J leaving for Australia
  • Lonely days in HK until Len arrived cos D had to stay
  • Getting sick for weeks before my bday
  • Missing the Cambodia trip
  • Work ethics decline
  • P proposing to gf (IDK why but made me sad haha)
  • People who refuse to try and who will tell you they've already given their best when they might as well be lying
  • Extra pounds, wah! Why!
  • Not having enough money for the stupid things I want
  • Sir Jake! But more angry than sad.
  • Philippines - PDAF, torrential rains, insurgencies, etc.
  • Rejection letter from the online class I applied to
  • Finally summoned enough guts to message this person on OKC and... I was totally ignored haha what goes around comes around, i guess
  • Deciding on letting go, once and for all
  • All the mean words - they probably don't really mean it so maybe the inconsideration and disrespect to not even bother to think whether it's going to hurt
sep 16 2013 ∞
jan 3 2018 +