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WARNING: read every description after you click the link, some may not suit everyone's taste. if there's untagged non-con/rape/underage in any of the fics pls msg me on twitter or tell me on my cc. i haven't browsed these fics in more than a year.

[updated in 07/17, still mostly from lj]

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listography NEW NEWS
  • your way home
    • r
    • Kim Jongdae is a busy dryad who finds himself stuck with a comatose body and an angry, detached consciousness that can't seem to leave his forest. All he does is ask questions.
  • stop being a bitch ass bitch
    • pg-13
    • searching the ground for a bit of sun
  • decieved
    • nc-17
    • Baekhyun has only one left until he can graduate from high school as no. 1
  • the west wing
    • pg-13
    • ...When Baekhyun got down from the carriage it was not the hand of his maid that waited for him, but the hand of a handsome man in a tailored suit...
jul 17 2018 ∞
jul 17 2018 +