- Envy
- Things I'm jealous of:
- Fast Metabolism
- Rich People
- Being Naturally Social
- being able to speak other languages
- motivated ppl
- Gluttony
- Things I can't get enough of:
- Tea!
- alcoholz
- waffles
- cheesecake
- chicken ^.^
- Greed
- Things I Desire:
- Everything at Hot topic
- Lots of Monies
- to travel
- my dream job
- super powers O_o
- Lust
- Things I lust after:
- Derek
- Nerdy guys
- abs
- blue eyes
- Gerard Way
- Pride
- Things I do well:
- Art and Illustration
- Math
- reading
- drinking
- being a screw up ^.^
- Sloth
- Things that awaken my lazy side:
- Summertime
- My parents asking my to do something
- my laptop
- oversleeping
- hangovers
- Wrath
- Things that enrage me:
- Misogyny/Sexism
- People with a big ego
- Smoking
- Crowds (other then concerts...but still)
- Animal Cruelty
aug 24 2011 ∞
oct 14 2011 +